Data Sharing - The Secret to Increasing Sales

With the global lock-down affecting everyone’s sales, we are all looking for ways to find sales dollars. We also all know that the Automotive Recycling Industry is counter-cyclical - when the economy is hurting, we do better. When the lock-downs are over and demand for ROE parts is increasing because of the recession, will you be ready to convert demand into sales?

Many will truly excel in the coming months as demand rises and you are able to cash in on it. However, many facilities are not ‘connected’ correctly to capitalize on the opportunities that will exist. What do I mean by ‘connected’? Each customer type that we have uses a different method of finding our inventory. If you are not sharing your inventory so that it appears on the platform that potential customers are using, then you will not have the chance to sell your part.
  • Many retail customers search online to find parts: eBay,, Hollander Storefront, TradeMe, Etc.
  • Body Shops using Estimate-Writing software will have access to your data through: PartsTrader, CCC, APU, Etc.
  • Other Salvage Yards will have access to your data through: EDEN, PinNet,, Hotlines, URG, etc.
Are you sharing your data with the correct provider to reach the customers that you are targeting? When is the last time that you contacted each of your data-sharing partners to discuss your settings? Are your routes still up-to-date? Are your delivery times still up-to-date?

After a convention about 6 years ago, I came back to my office, closed the door and got on the phone. I called every data-sharing partner that I learned about while at the convention. I worked with each of them to fix routes, radii, deliver times, brokering partners, markups for tiered yards, etc.  I spent 3 days working through the settings with everyone. That was the most valuable 3 days that I have ever spent. Our sales took-off after all of the settings were correct.

Here are a few of the links that I keep in my ‘Bookmarks’ now:

Other providers work better through a phone call:

APU Solutions
CCC (Partnered with URG)
TradeMe (New Zealand)
PartsLink (Australia)

My suggestion is to use this downtime to work through each data-sharing partner. Review the settings with each provider. You have the time now. This may be the most valuable time you’ve ever spent on your business.

If I can help any of you with strategy development or you just want to bounce around some ideas, you can reach me at

Chad Counselman
Melbourne, Australia


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