Cat Money - Reinvest or Other?
We have all stockpiled cats in order to get a huge ‘payday’. However, we all seem to get spend-happy when that large payment arrives. A simple change is our spending mindset can change the growth trajectory of our businesses - it did for me. There are three types of things you can spend money on: Appreciable, Depreciables, and Consumables. The decisions that we make on the distributions of these types of expenditures will greatly affect our businesses, profits, savings, bank account, etc. Appreciables are items that are bought for less than they can be sold for in the future. In this example, these would be damaged vehicles. They can be bought for roughly 40% to 55% of what the parts can be sold for. Appreciables can also be assets like land, buildings, commodities, stocks, etc - it’s not limited to just damaged vehicles. But, we all know damaged vehicles will make a quick and predictable return. Depreciables...