Character vs. Performance
Do you have a salesperson that steals deals from other salespeople? Do you have a dismantler that is capable of 15 cars per week, but you can't trust him to show up so you tolerate 8 cars per week? Do you have a Yard Technician that can pull 50 parts per day, but steals aftermarket radios from you? Character vs Performance: Which one is more important? In Simon Sinek ’s recent video, he discussed the relationship between Performance and Trust. Click the link and watch the video - it is short, but to the point. In this video, Simon describes an employee that has high abilities but low character as a TOXIC employee. This is a person that is always looking to ‘work’ the system or ‘cheat’ the commission pay system. A name just popped into your head - you have one of these or have had one of these employees in the past. I had one years ago. He could sell ice cubes to Eskimos. However, he would steal every single sale that he could. Every other salesperson stayed mad at him all th...